Many people believe it stands for "Money Making Machine" and they may not be wrong. Here's why:
30% return on investment monthly is insane!!! and it has been running uninterrupted in Nigeria for 2 years straight. It is more lucrative than any shares on the Nigerian stock exchange. It has similarities with your average commercial banks and according to the ideology of MMM this is not hard to notice know why. According to the MMM NIGERIA WEBSITE, the ideology of the scheme is:
"The modern world is bad. It is inhumane, unfair and unjust. This is the world of money. It is not for people. It is for those who produce this money, for bankers and financiers, government and millionaires. And people are mere "pawns" in this game. They just serve them as attendants.
Why do bankers work less and earn a hundred times more?
What lies behind the social welfare? Labor. But why do bankers live a hundred times better than common people who really work hard? Do the bankers work harder? Definitely they don't! In addition they do not even produce any material values, as opposed to the workers. Why then the difference in income is so enormous?
Many wonder with all sincerity now, reading this: "Well... a banker and a worker, they cannot be compared! The banker-the head of the Bank, he has power over money, and is well-connected. And we are ordinary people, having no power or clout. Naturally, the banker lives better than we do.
Meanwhile, there is nothing "natural" here. The point is that everyone got used to this state of affairs and takes it as a matter of course. People believe that this is the way of the world, that a banker has to live better and it cannot be otherwise. But in reality things are different and the situation can be changed!!
But yet, why? Why does the banker work less, but live better? Better than a factory worker, miner, oil rigger, or woodcutter? Because the banker has always got money. Exactly! It's all about money! MONEY! This is the whole point, the cornerstone! And about it, we should talk in more details.
If money is a measure of labour, why is the world unjust?
So, what is money? Have you ever thought about it? May be it is a calculation tool or a measure of labor? As we are told from childhood, we have to work, work and work, because money won’t fall down from the sky. It should be honestly and hardly earned! Everyone was led to believe it from the cradle . It's interesting, what would billionaires say to that, who honestly and hardly earned all their billions. It's ridiculous, isn't it?
Well, we work without cease. But what should we expect in the end? Low wages and pensions, and no rest, but a constant struggle with debts. And half-starved old age... You have spent all your life, working for billionaires, you have been taken away all your power, energy and health, you’ve been squeezed like a lemon, and after that you’ve been just thrown into the dustbin as a write-off.
Is it right? But that's the world. This horrific reality of the modern society. This is what we should all expect in the end almost certainly; everything ends up in this way for the vast majority of people in today's world. As it ended up for their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers ... As it will end up, in the present state of affairs, for their children and grandchildren ... great-grandchildren ... Then, in their turn, for their children and grandchildren ... And so on ... That's the way of the world.
Why? All of this is wrong, unfair! It must not exist! Why do some people have everything, but others have nothing? Why do some people walk in golden slippers, but the others barely make ends meet? They don’t know how to feed their children, although all of them “work honestly”. Why does it happen?! Yet we are all the people. We are "equal", aren’t we? Then why?!
Because there is a lie around us. A huge, continuous, monstrous, embellishing lie. Do not believe anything that is broadcasted daily on TV by satiated and well-groomed masters of life.
And people are not equal, and the money is not even a measure of labor. All of this is an insolent and shameless lie. We are surrounded by lie! And still most people trust it all and continue to live in the unfair and unjust world. Why do they cheat you? Just to make it easier to control you.
.... And it goes on a couple more paragraphs....
A new fair financial system will be established!
Financial Apocalypse! That’s the only thing that can break our financial chains and save us all. Release us finally from the continuous slavery. Everything old will burn in its fire and the new will appear. The Fed will be removed from power and will no longer develop social inequality. The banks as they are now will simply disappear. They will stop robbing the people. In fact the banks do not produce anything useful. What useful can they do? Give credits at plundering interests? As a result all the population is burdened with debts.
Why do the banks get interests for the credit at all? Have you ever thought about it? Usury was always despised by all nations, and now it is legalized. Why? If a person takes a loan in the bank, then not for nothing, but to do something good, to realize some project. But he applies his efforts for the welfare of the society including bankers. Making something useful for all of us. We should encourage such people, making discounts but not collecting from them huge interests!
Nevertheless, modern banks were created for other purposes. They aren’t interested in the society but in their own goals. People aren’t important for them. Modern banks are loyal servants of the Fed, hypocritical agents, misusing the products of labor of common people. The current financial system is merely destructing us. And it will continue attacking us, and then our children and grandchildren. It will get even worse if nothing changes. We will destroy the existing financial system and build new — fair and honest! We have no other choice. We are not slaves. We are people. And we choose freedom!
And this freedom is almost here already. Now, thanks to MMM financial Apocalypse is inevitable. Unavoidable! Since now it’s just the question of time. The seed was dropped. And it would grow. It’s already growing. Right now, at this moment! It will not perish!
Then Finally,
What does MMM stand for?
MMM is a Global Mutual Aid Fund, World people's Bank, Financial Social Network — or any definition whatsoever. The point is not in the title. The bottom line is that this is a voluntary informal association of millions and millions of people throughout the Earth, rebelled against the financial slavery, chose to declare war against the Fed and banks. (And to win this war!!) And for this aim they have consolidated their capital — even though there are small amounts, owing to a great number, that is millions of people, it's already the power. Awesome and invincible power, growing every day!
Well how do banks exist? Thanks to bankers? Billionaires? No, due to the same ordinary people who deposit their modest savings there. MMM takes the wind out of banks' sails making people see the reality. Why do the people bring their money to the banks at the exorbitant interests? Because they have no other choice. Banks are monopolists: there is no other place to bring money to. All banks are just the same, and controlled by the FED. They simply destroy ordinary people.
And now we have an alternative — MMM! It’s something close to our hearts! Here people help each other. Today you help and tomorrow you will be helped. It’s the main principle of MMM. Do you really want bankers to buy another limousine or house for your money? You should not become another slave. Better join MMM and your money will help those who really need it! Poor people, retirees, disabled people…Woman with many children. Love thy neighbour! Help him.
It’s a kind of common storage box where people save their money and then take it when needed. The amount you need at the certain moment. (They do not steel but namely take money)!
Actually, people don’t need a lot of money. They need consciousness that they have it. Confidence in tomorrow’s day is what everybody really needs. It is just MMM that gives this confidence! It gives a feeling of partnership, that you aren’t alone! At the difficult moment you will never be abandoned but you will always be helped and supported! MMM is a unit of new society, brighter and better. New world, where there won’t be money. Current money. Where everything will be otherwise… Fair and honest. Where there won’t be any slaves or owners. Where everybody will work for their own pleasure and for the whole society. Where Good will defeat Evil! It will be so! There are no doubts!!
Welcome to the System! Together we will change the world!"
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