twinkas review

Peer-to-peer pyramid schemes are the new fad all over the world now with new ones cropping up daily as it seems. Each new one promises to be better than the last, giving hope for a big payout with next-to-nothing investment.
Ladies sand gentlemen, I give you TWINKAS.
Not sure what prompted the name choice but the unique selling point as advertised by this 2016 December newly launched scheme is the exclusion of having to look for referrals. Downlines are automatically paired under you ensuring quick payments and profit recoup.

Ultimate Cycler and the rest if them requires you to bring people to the system before you can earn…
On this platform called TwinKas, you don’t need to stress yourself to earn…
Chill… Let me give you few tip about this new platform.
TwinKas Review – Key Details
TwinKas was born on the 1st of December 2016

TwinKas official website is –>

Cyberwaver… How does this TwinKas Work?
According to the information in the website, it is owned by a Dubai company which is yet to be verified…
Who cares?… It’s all about money…
On this platform
You don’t pay to a central account, you pay directly to a member Nigeria bank account…
I can say the website was specifically designed for Nigerians because the currency symbols are in Naira so no need to worry…

TwinKas Packages

There are 4 packages on this platform…
These packages are divided to different money level, let me put it that way… *LOL*

The Classic Package –> N5000 (You Earn N10000)

This package is for students, and those who don’t want to try it big…
They are the ones taking precaution like me… *LOL*
The person that told me about this went big and he cashed out big, but you know fingers are not equal…
On this Classic package you invest by paying N5,000 to the person shown to you after registering, then you wait for the system to match you with 2 people to pat you N5000 each

You earn N10,000 in the process…

Professional –> N10000 (You Earn N20,000)

Quite simple you know, invest N10000 by paying someone and 2 will be automatically matched to pay you…

Premium – N20,000 (You Earn N40,000)

You earn 100% on all plans, invest N20000 and 2 people will pay you N20,000 each which is quite simple

Ultimate – N50,000 (you earn N100,000)

Yes it is… Invest a whole N50,000 and get N100,000 on or before 21 days…
This is 100% for your investment and its not up to 30 days…
On other matrix platform, you need to bring in people to make money from it , but here you don’t need to stress yourself…
Although referring people make you earn 5% from their investment on all packages…
Eehhhm… What if I don’t want to wait for 30 days, How can I earn fast since you know Xmas is approaching…
Yes, you can earn fast before the 21 days….
By registering with an active link…
This is a matrix system and there is spill over effect…
No matter how many I bring, only 2 will pay me, others will be shared among my down lines which means you can register today, pay today and get matched to receive payment tomorrow…
How do I join using your an active link…

TwinKas is a unique platform that cuts down the noise and make you earn without stressing yourself…

TwinKas Registration

  • On an internet enabled device, click this link to go to the registration page –>
  • choose from the list of packages that you can afford.
  • Fill the form with your details and the next page will contain where you fill your bank details…
  • Please make payment quickly not to be left out of the matrix…
The Fine Print: Only register for twinkas when you have the money…


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